Friday, 24 June 2011

Analysis Genetic factors in Poetry I and Karawang Bekasi

Analysis Genetic factors in Poetry I and Karawang Bekasi

1. Background Poet
Chairil Anwar was born in Medan, 26 July 1922He is the only child of the couple Toeloes and Saleha. His father worked as a civil service. His mother still mrmpunyai kinship with the Sutan Sjahrir, Prime Minister first of Indonesia. Chairil raised in a broken family. His parents divorced and his father remarried with another woman. After the divorce, Chairil follow her mother traveled to Jakarta. Saai, she just graduated from high school.
Chairil enter Hollands Inlandsche School (HIS), elementary school for native people when the Dutch colonialists. He then continued his education at Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs , Dutch junior high school, but he left before graduating. He began to write as a teenager, but none of poems originally found. Although his education was finished, Chairil mastered English, Dutch and German. He fills his spare time by reading books from renowned international authors, such as Rainer M. Rilke, WH Auden, Archibald MacLeish, H. Marsman, J. Slaurhoff and Edgar du Perron. These writers influenced his writing and poetry indirectly affect the order of Indonesian literature.
In his life that very rarely grieve, one of the greatest pain is when her grandmother died. Chairil describe the grief was extraordinary in poignant poem. After the grandmother, mother is a woman's second most Chairil blessing and in front of his mother, Chairil frequently lose the wild side. Some poems Chairil also shows his love of his mother. Chairil childhood is never defeated, either never lost a competition, and in getting his heart's desire. The desire to get that's what caused his soul was always overflowing, burning, virtually never silent.
Women are the world Chairil after book. Carrying the name of Ida, Sri Ayati, Gadis Rashid, Mirat, and Roosmeini as a girl who was being chased Chairil. And all the girl's name even enter into the poems Chairil. However, the Karawang girls, who named Hapsah, Chairil has married. The wedding did not live long. Due to economic difficulties, and Chairil lifestyle that has not changed, Hapsah asked for a divorce. When 7-month-old son, Chairil became a widower.
Shortly afterwards, at 15.15 pm, April 28, 1949, Chairil died. There are several versions of her illness. But definitely, chronic tuberculosis and Sphilis. Chairil age short indeed, 27 years old. But it left a lot of things short for the development of Indonesian literature. he even became the best example, for an attitude that does not mean it in the cultivate the arts. It is this attitude that makes her son, Evawani Chairil Anwar, a notary public in Bekasi, should apologize, as he recounted the death of his father, in 1999.
2. Background the poem
Poem I By Chairil Anwar
Chairil Anwar never wrote down how much he truly appreciates one new poet a poet, Amir Hamzah, who has been able to break down spoken language poets before. Idioms 'beast bitch' used in the poem is really a break-even spoken language tradition of New Doctors who still tend lilting. In meaning, the poem I do not use words that are too difficult to be understood, does not mean by these words and then lowering the quality of this poem. In accordance with previous title, the poem describes about the spirit and refused to budge, like Chairil own. Chairil as a man of high spirit shown by the statement "would live a thousand years". In his poem "I," Chairil so unstoppable. His attitude who will not care and want to live another thousand years is a vitalist position statement. He refused to surrender to whatever is blocking wants. Not wanting to give up on "you lyrics", also would not give up on injuries and can be a hinder. Even by Chairil, can it still hurt and he can take it running he could. All that will end when Chairil already feel lost poignant fairy, in the language we used to say as a die. So do not be surprised indeed if this poem is one of the most fitting rhyme for that period are full of atmosphere pressure the colonial occupiers.
If it comes my time
The time referred to in quotations (2) is the rack of time or a goal that is limited by time. As already noted above, that Chairil is a poet who is in search of spoken language that is able to meet the surge of expression appropriate to what he wanted, without considering the spoken language of other poets at that time. Chairil also gives the prefix the word 'if' which means a supposition. So, wishing Charil about a time when he arrives at what he was looking for this, namely the discovery of spoken language is different from the marked out the poem.
(3) 'I want no one' right seduce In excerpt
 this is the character of his poem Charil highly visible color. He knew that by writing this poem I will bring a lot of protest from many quarters, especially from poets. Indeed, the basic nature of Chairil, she did not respond people about this work, because it is what so far. Indifference was reinforced even more in the next lyric in quotes (4).
(4) Not really you
You are referred to in quotations (4) is a reader or observer of this poem. This shows how much he care not Chairil with all the people who have heard or even read the poem, whether it be good, or bad.
Talking about good and bad, the next stanza will speak about the value of a good or bad and still about the indifference Chairil of both.
(5) No need to snivel thatI'm a beast bitch Of the compounds wasted Zaini, one of the Companions Chairil has told, that she had stolen clothes. When Chairil knowing that his friend works, Chairil just said, "Why am I so stupid to be fooled by you". It shows an attitude of life which does not question Chairil the merits of an action, both in terms of society, and religion. According Chairil, which need to be precisely the weak or strong.
In excerpt (5), he uses the word 'beast bitch', because he wanted to draw as if such animals living freely,  without any governing. More precisely is a wild animal. That's why he 'of compounds wasted'. In a group there must be a bond, he 'of the compounds wasted' because they do not want to follow the rules in the bond and compounds.
(6) Let the bullet penetrate my skin I still inflamed crashing Wounds and can I bring running
Run Until the missing poignant fairy The bullet could not be separated from the trigger, the gun. A gun is often used to hurt something. In excerpt (6), the temple is envisaged that Chairil being 'attacked' with a 'bullet penetrate the skin', but he does not care about the bullet that tore his skin, he said, "Let me." Although the object attacked and injured, Chairil still rebelling, he 'still inflamed crashing' like a wild animal being hunted. In addition, it also shows the attitude of the lyrics Chairil who refused to budge. All the insults and various talks about good or bad that he does not care about the poem will also be lost, as he wrote the lyrics later. (7) And I would not care more.
I want to live another thousand years. This is confirmed character of the poet or any of this poem, an indifference. In excerpt (seven), this verse seems to be the cover of the poem. As a paper, the cover consists of conclusions and expectations. The conclusion was that 'And I'd better not care', he still would not care. Chairil hope that he still lived a thousand years from now so that he can still searching for what he wanted. Besides Chairil want to show indifference to the reader, in this poem there is also another message from Chairil, that man is the creature who never separated from wrong. Therefore, do not look at someone of the merits alone, because the two things are bound to be found in every human. In addition, Chairil also want to convey to the reader should not hesitate in making the work.
Poem Karawang – Bekasi
Karawang-Bekasi, a poem which has its own place for the community around Karachi to Bekasi. The poem describes how the weight of maintaining the independence that was proclaimed by both our great Bung, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta on August 17, 1945. The poem is evident how the pain of grief felt by family members left behind as well as tangible evidence of sadism war conducted by the Dutch Colonial Army soldiers.

"We are now lying between Karawang-Bekasi 'In the words "We are lying between Karawang-Bekasi" This implies how many fighters who have fallen in the area Karawang and Bekasi.Hal it strengthened again with the words: "But the work was not completed, yet can take into account the meaning of 4-5 thousands of lives" In the written sentence "can not take into account the meaning of 4-5 thousands of lives". How many heroes that have fallen to the point that the poet reminds us what the meaning of 4 to 5 thousand of lives that have become scattered bones, and bone-scattered bones were in a small area called "Krawang and BEKASI".
The purpose of the Poet in his work "Karawang-Bekasi" here is very clear that as the works of others relating to the struggle, the love of the country and its ideals to front. In  sentence:
"Remember, we recall" It is an appeal, an invitation, hope to us to always do not forget the struggle of our predecessors, even though the fighters had been killed.
"Work is not finished, not yet able to take into account the meaning of 4-5 thousands of lives"
In the sentence above the implied meaning to work hard, continue the unfinished work, have an unyielding work ethic  "guard continues at the statement boundary and dreams" In the sentence above is very strict once statement or purpose of the Poet is that we should always be consistent with our statement, we speak, our promises, our vows and all that ever we say and the word "dream" has the meaning of an ideal. We must have a dream that in accordance with the conditions. Chairil anwar hope is no other than the ideals of our nation. "Go on, go on our souls""Keeping the Bung Karno, Bung Hatta keep, keep Bung Sjahrir"

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